I have installed the JetDrive Toolbox. How come my JetDrive Lite / JetDrive Go is still not recognized by the Mac?

카테고리 : 셋업 / 작동환경
In any of the three following situations, JetDrive Toolbox may fail to operate properly:

1. Just before you close the Mac's lid (before it goes into standby mode), a program (such as Time Machine) is performing read/write tasks to the JetDrive Lite / JetDrive Go in the background.

2. After Mac has entered standby mode and the battery depleted, a program is performing read/write tasks to the JetDrive Lite / JetDrive Go. (Your Mac will automatically remove JetDrive Lite/JetDrive Go, and when it resumes working, you will receive an abnormal removal message.)

3. The anti-virus softwares or third-party backup softwares (such as Jettison or unDock) on your computer may interfere with some of the functions of the JetDrive Toolbox.
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