Why is the screen black or frozen in “Live View” of the DrivePro Body app?

카테고리 : 소프트웨어 / 펌웨어 / / 애플리케이션
The new version of DrivePro Body cameras uses a different protocol in the “Live View” function. To have a better user experience, please try the available methods below according to your smartphone operating system.

For Android smartphones: For a small number of Android phones, using the "Live View" function without turning off mobile data (e.g., 4G, 5G) may cause the camera to freeze abnormally. To avoid related situations, we suggest you turn off the mobile data (e.g., 4G, 5G) before using the "Live View" function.

In addition, we suggest you temporarily disable the following functions/applications that may affect the Wi-Fi network connection.
1. VoLTE
2. VPN
3. Ad blocking app
4. Anti-virus app

For iOS smartphones: Please first check if your DrivePro Body app has been updated to v4.15 or later before using the "Live View" function.

If the screen in “Live View” is still black, we suggest you update the iOS system to the latest version and restart the iOS device to avoid related situations.
(Note: How to restart an iOS device? https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201559)
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